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Questions to Ask a Girl About Music

Girls love music and they’d definitely love to answer questions about music. If you’ve just matched with a cute girl on a dating app or casual hookup site you’re not sure what to talk about, music can be a great way to break the ice and get to know her better.

The following are 45 good questions to ask a girl about her favorite musicians.

It also covers questions about music in general.

It’s important you understand the question first before you ask her and be mindful of her response.

Don’t ask too personal questions otherwise he’d stopped answering and the conversion would lead to a dead-end.

Without further ado, I present to you 45 questions to ask a girl about musicians and music.

Let’s get started…

1) What Music Do You Like to Listen to

2) What’s your favorite Genre

3) Who’s your favorite musician

4) How well can you sing?

5) List the 5 songs you can all through sing from heart?

6) What’s the latest songs from your most favorite musician?

7) When last did you go to a concert?

8) Have you ever slept with a famous musician?

9) What do like the most about your favorite musician?

10) Which of your favorite musician would like to have a one-night-stand with?

11) Have you ever dreamed about dancing with a famous musician?

12) What’s the most popular song on YouTube at the moment?

13) Who would like to take to a concert or a celebrity show?

14) Which male musician do you think is the most handsome on the planet right now/

15)  Which female artist is the most beautiful in the world at the moment?

16) What’s the most beautiful song you’ve ever listened to?

17) Can you tell me your top 10 songs of all time?

20) What’s the sweetest and cutest dance style ever?

21) Would like to become a musician someday?

22) Do you how to write songs?

23) How good are you in lip singing?

24) What would you like your favorite musician to do for you?

25) What’s the birthday of your favorite musician?

26) Where would you like to go with your favorite musician?

27) How many songs do you listen to everyday?

28) How many music videos do you watch every day?

29) Name one of the most hilarious music videos you’ve ever watched?

30) Do you love hip pop?

31) Who’s your greatest hip pop star of all time?

32) Do you love country music?

33) What’s the most expensive music show you’ve ever attended?

34) If your favorite artist ask you to strip on a show, would you do it?

35) If your favorite musician ask you send him a nude of you, would you do it?

36) How fast can you rap?

37) How bad is the music industry today?

38) Would you compare the 1990s and 2000s music to today’s?

39) When do you think was the year of music?

40) Is Chris Brown a better singer than Justin Bieber?

41) What song touches your heart the most?

42) What song(s) makes you cry whenever it plays?

43) What songs bring back pleasant childhood memories?

44) When was the last time you listened to cartoony song?

45) When was the last time you played loud music in the public?

These questions would definitely lead to an avid conversation and give you more insight into the girl’s personality.

If you’re looking for more questions to to ask a girl, why not check out John Simon’s article on questions to ask you a girl over text.

So get out and start asking.

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